Wednesday, 18 June 2008

A Strange incident

This weekend i went down south . Down South here in Europe generally means just about a 2 hour train ride:).Strange ehh but what to do the whole of western Europe is not even the size of USWell i had to scan my ticket in the barrier and I got to the platform just in time .Yes, i follow JIT(just in time production policy).When i was in the train it said this is the direct service to XXXXXXXX so some rail cards may not be valid blah blah ...... So i got out of the train to confirm if my card was valid and got back in .This time just as i was boarding my carriage my ticket dropped and fell down the track ,I realised the ticket had slipped out and turned back just then the doors slammed shut.I desperately try to open the door but no vain the door was shut and the train started to move .TO the people looking at me at the platform i must have looked like me guy struggling and dying in a Gas chamber unable to open the glass doors hehehehehe.Came back to my seat dejected and depressed thinking about the cost of an open ticket it is damn expensive and my discounted railway card had dropped off tooo !!!It was not looking good, a girl seeing me struggling suggested that i go speak to the train manager which i did.Voila, she said that she did hear about it over the wireless but was unable to open the door as it was already time .But said that if my tickets were to be found in the platform i wouldn't be charged and Bonus my tickets would arrive to my station in the next train,Within an hour they confirmed that my tickets were found can be collected if i wait at my destination station for 45 Min's ahhhhhhhWhat a relief .Strange what a simple piece of news can make a big difference to ur mood . Until they found my tickets i was sad and cursing myself as to how foolish i was but after that i was happy to spend my money on drinks , food what ever and had a rocking weekend!!

The magic of 13

The magic of 13
Is the combination of Friday and 13 aka 13th of friday really a dreadful day.For me it was a bliss, but some of colleagues didn't think so and i think they are rite .Let's look at the logic behind their reasoning .
A colleague who was suppose to pick me up never turned up and when i called him up he was already at the site !!!!!!!!!! he taught someone else was picking me up.
Came to my company where strangely all majority of the phone lines where down and i missed my meeting the so called non important mgmt meeting.
Emails where bouncing couldn't call some of my clients.
All these made my day but for some sorry old sods it was not interesting.But hey its a friday ,u don't need to work and u get paid for it what more can u ask for
Go on get a life

Have a look at this Photo (Copied from the times of India )
Now if u are wondering y I posted this foto , just take a closer look .Apart from the fact that the road are heavily flooded, these poor people are looking at where their stuff is and their loved ones. Just cast ur eyes on the direction of the parking lot exit the first sign board says where the Parking lot exit is.If u follow the same instructions within a couple of feet u will be confused or perhaps heading towards the entrance !!!!!!!!!!.


May be its just me having perspective vision problem not able to look how far these two signs are either way i think this was odd :)

Co incidence or colour-incidence


I don't know what right or wrong with this colour .Its not like i hate it , But lets look at y i called it Colour incidence

Started out way back some where in1998 i preferred to wear blue as i was working over the summer in my dads machine shop.I was wearing just because i didn't have any other colour which would hide the dirt so well.A dark blue shirt and jeans did the job for me.

(2000-2004 ) - Joined mech engg and my University had a colour code all Mech engg ,had to wear BLUE Trousers and shirts compulsory on the days we had our practical classes in the tool room. No we didn't have choice .

2005 was wearing the same blue shirt onn and off when i was working for an SME.

2006 - 07 Was spared but i didn't know it would come back with a bang soon

2007-08 well got a job in R &D company were i was dealing with the shop floor and working on design so the company dress code when i am working over the floor BLUE .Its not even different shades blue its the same DARK BLUE

More to come soon !!!!!