Thursday, 3 December 2009

Health and Hygene part 2

Again this topic is off travel but then what the heck .I am off to educate my western peers about health and hygiene in India.

Well there are 2 parts or 2 elements of ultimate cleanness and here are the definitions

Warning - Caution trying these in ur western homes!!!!!

1. Maade or Madie(Kannada) :- This is the stuff associated with everything pure .No, no dont go deep into cleaning stuff but stuff that is holy for Example if u touch ur newly washed clothes without taking a bath then that cloth is highly and invisibly infectious meaning Mailege (Mai-lee-gee) explained later.

2.Mailege :- Anything impure meaning destroying the Maade or breaking the invisible barrier .If u are familiar with ur grandmother's saying "ayyo nan madee hal mad da" (oh he destroyed my madee) it means ur grandmother is mailige .So she has to take bath again pray again etc

Now for the complicated stuff, if you are familiar with a Chief Chef(Batta/Battru in Kannada)
A batta is ususally the head cook/chef or chief cooker!!! wht ever u would like to call him usually refered as Anna or Bab- anna short for Babu anna or he might also be call Bab- naa when yelled at .Ok lets not go off tangent here

This batturu has magical powers He is the outmost personification of Maade and thus performs all the functions equivalent of a Head chef with out any regard to health and saftey.He is such a personification of cleanness that even if the sweat from his arm pit which when dissolved in the fuming kitchen where the average temperature is 40 c is considered ok to eat.Just becs he as a sacred thread called a Janvara which acts as the ultimate cleaning agent.

Oh yeh its ok to have a BeDe(equivalent to roll on cigarette) in one hand and a ladle in the other wht the heck the janavara will take care of it

Saying all this my western peers dont we have a stonger gut than u !!!!!

Now the west is saying ur body stops producing anti/aunty bodies if there are no harmful germs. Its time that you learn a thing or 2 from us But not the Sweaty bit lol.

I didn't realise how much of this we as Indians take for granted.Recently my french friends came down to visit me where in i realised we ate the same food but our bellies reached quiet differently .This even after taking extra care not to even eat mangoes sold on streets becs they use chemical powder which would be safe even after washing in water!!!!!!!

Isn't that how mangoes taste the best just out of trees!!,Well thats when i taught about our upbringing and how much kids in the west miss out when they go around with PSP and hoodies.

Try this mate i can assure u its fun!! Ok after the delhi belly

Nasladanu (bye)

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